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华体会,山东大学环境科学与工程学院 博士&硕士生导师


焦点提醒:山东年夜学情况科学与项目学院 博士&硕士生导师中国给水排水2023年中国污水中国给水排水2023年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十四届)邀请函处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第七届)邀请函暨征稿启事中国给水排水2023年中国污水处理厂中国给水排水2023年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十四届)邀请函提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第七届)邀请函暨征稿启事

山东年夜学情况科学与项目学院由原山东年夜学情况项目系、尝试中间和原山东工业年夜学情况与化工学院的情况学科在2000年末组建成立。学院设有情况科学、情况项目两个专业,具有情况科学与项目一级学科博士授权点,情况科学与项目博士后活动站,国度级特点专业1个,山东省高档黉舍品牌专业1个,山东省重点学科1个,具有山东省水情况污染节制与资本化重点尝试室、山东省水污染节制示范项目手艺研究中间、山东省情况科学项目手艺研究中间、山东省中美情况与健康手艺合作研究中间等4个省部级科研平台,情况科学与生态学居全球ESI前1%。今朝,情况学科已列入山东年夜学“学科岑岭打算”重点学科计划,是国度双一流学科“化学与物资学科” 的主要构成部门。


最近几年来,学院承当了包罗国度重点研发项目、科技严重专项、重点国际(地域)合作研究项目、山东省严重科技立异项目等在内的科研课题500余项,获评国度科技前进二等奖一项,山东省十年夜科技功效奖两项,教育部科技前进一等奖等省部级嘉奖31项,省级优异讲授功效奖4项。在国表里学术期刊上颁发研究论文1400余篇,入选2012年中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文1篇,被SCI、 EI收录800余篇,出书专著10余部。




学院牢牢环绕“双一流”方针,提高站位、凝集共鸣,深入理解实现“由年夜到强”汗青性改变的严重意义,以立异的学术理念,求真务实的行动原则,寻求出色,分秒必争,强院兴校,在处所社会成长和国度建立资本节俭型、情况友爱型社会的历程中勇在担任,为实现 “中国梦”做出应有进献。(2021年5月26日更新)



The School of Environmental Science and Engineering of Shandong University was founded at 2000 by merging the former Department of Environmental Engineering, Experimental Center of Shandong University, and the Environmental Discipline of the School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering of Shandong University of Technology. The School offers undergraduate and graduate programs in environmental science and environmental engineering, and possesses the first-level discipline Ph.D and post-doctoral programs. The school possesses four provincial or ministerial scientific research platforms including Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Water Pollution Control and Resource Reuse, Shandong Provincial, Shandong Provincial Engineering Center on Environmental Science and Technology, China-America Cooperative Research Center for Environment & Health, Shandong Province. The environmental science and ecology major ranked top 1% in the ESI global ranking. At present, the environmental discipline has been listed in the "Discipline Summit Plan" of Shandong University as an important part of the national “Double First-Class University Plan”

Thefaculty membersare dedicated to theirprofessionand renowned in China and worldwide, among which are 35professors and researchers, 25 associate professors, associate researchers and senior engineers. There is one Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, one Academician of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, two selectees of the National Talents Project Program, three Distinguished Professors of the Yangtze River Scholars,four winners of theNational Science Fundfor Distinguished Young Scholars, oneselecteeof the “National Ten Thousand Talents Plan", three experts with Special Government Allowances of the State Council, four Chinese Highly Cited Researchers, one expert of Outstanding Overseas Teacher Program of the Ministry of Education, two winners oftheNational Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars, three winners of the National Young Talents Program, six selectees supported by the Program of New Century Excellent Talents of the Ministry of Education, two Distinguished Professors of Taishan Scholars, one Leading Talent of Taishan Industry, three TaishanYoungScholars, three young and middle-aged experts with outstanding contributions to Shandong, four winners oftheShandong Provincial Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, one winner oftheShandong Provincial Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars, three specially recruited professors of Shandong University, four distinguished young scholars of Shandong University, and five Qilu Young Scholars of Shandong University.

Recently, the School has undertaken more than 500 scientific research projects, including National Key Research and Development Projects, National Science and Technology Major Projects,, Key International (Regional) Cooperative Research Projects, Shandong Provincial Major Scientific and Technological Innovation Projects, and won the second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award, two Shandong Provincial Top Ten Science and Technology Achievements Awards, 31 provincial and ministerial awards such as the first prize of Science and Technology Progress Award by the Ministry of Education, and four provincial excellent teaching achievement awards. More than 1,400 research papers have been published in academic journals domestically and overseas, and one was selected as one of China's 100 most influential international academic papers in 2012. More than 800 papers have been collected by SCI and EI, and more than 10 monographs have been published.

At present, the School has established a high-level teaching and research platform. The analysis and testing platform has liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometer, gas chromatography tandem triple quadrupole mass spectrometer, paramagnetic resonance spectrometer, Fourier transform (micro) infrared spectrometer, Raman spectrometer, atomic force microscope, laser scanning confocal microscope, intermolecular interaction apparatus and other high-end instruments. These instruments enable rapid and accurate qualitative and quantitative analysis of organic compounds, inorganic compounds, heavy metals, etc., structural analysis of advanced materials, high-throughput screening of metabolites, proteins and other macromolecules and compounds, characterization and analysis of new materials, and elucidation of the mechanism of microbial technology to solve environmental problems at the molecular level. The undergraduate experimental teaching center abides by the national requirements of environmental protection for the cultivation of high-level talents and the requirements of the undergraduate teaching system of environmental science and engineering. Taking "Environmental Cognition - Professional Practice - Management Internship" as the core idea, and according to the cultivation pattern of the comprehensive ability of students in environment programs, there are 12 professional laboratories with a total area of more than 1 800 square meters, forming a healthy teaching system combining lab experiments and internship in environment profession.

The School adheres to the comprehensive and open development strategy and strengthens cooperation and communications with well-known domestic and foreign universities, research institutes and domestic large and medium-sized enterprises. Academic communications and cooperative research activities overseas are becoming increasingly active.TheSchoolhas collaborated with prestigious colleges and institutions, including Yale University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Yeshiva University Einstein School of Medicine, Indiana University, Iowa State University, Stevens Institute of Technology, University of Liverpool, James Cook University, University of Tokyo, Gifu University, Karlsruhe University of Technology, University of Regina, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, Royal Swedish Institute of Technology, Tsinghua University, Research Center forEco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences,andEast China University of Science and Technology.

The School focuses on the overall development of individuals and encourages students to actively participate in various cultural and sports activities. In 2018, we won the Volleyball Championship in the first sports meeting of Shandong University and the "Cup of Shandong University" Volleyball League . In 2019 and 2020, we won the Shandong University (Qingdao) Graduate Basketball Championship for two consecutive years. Weattached great importanceto innovative education. In the past few years, our students have repeatedly achieved good results in the "Challenge Cup" college students extracurricular academic science and technology competition and the college students' innovation and entrepreneurship training program, and won a number of national and provincial awards. In 2019, students won the national second prize in "Challenge Cup" college student extracurricular science and technology competition. Undergraduate students have published a number of academic papers on SCI and EI, and obtained a number of authorized patents. We also pay attention to the cultivation of students' social practice ability. We have created "Chuguang" volunteer teaching and environmental protection advocation group, "World Environment Day" Eventand other high-quality projects. The “Chuguang” team was awarded as the "Excellent Service Team" for the Social Practice of "Volunteer activities inthe countryside" for college and technical secondary school student volunteers in summer vacation in Qingdao.

United towards the goal of "National Double First-Class University", the School broadens it horizon, gathers consensus, deeply appreciates the significance of realizing the historical change "From Big To Strong", pursues excellence with innovative academic concept and honest , pragmatic code of conduct, seizes every opportunity to develop and strengthen the School and the University, and has the courage to take responsibility in the process of local social development and national construction of resource-saving and environmental-friendly society, and to make due contributions to the realization of "The Chinese Dream".

导师名录博士&硕士生导师刘巍宋岳王新波宋超闫震何作利黄理辉常景彩吴海明王新华夏鹏飞曾阳景传勇张晓东孙波刘春景崔兆杰任丽军洪静兰张建高宝玉王允坤许春华刘汝涛赵珊裴海燕王志宁牛启桂袁宪正李 倩岳钦艳胡 振李 力李善评李玉江梁 爽刘 莹倪寿清孙雪菲王曙光高灿柱刘春景苏继新王 睿王 艳周维芝硕士生导师徐杭州张清哲郭子彰许醒Hartmut Herrmann祝凡平张秋庄林岚马德方武艳王 燕徐世平包 南赵年夜传高超明殷永泉
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